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Text File  |  1993-07-14  |  40KB  |  469 lines

  1.                                      Abbreviations                            originator-unknown  37, 112
  2.                     ANSIX12  14                                        physical-rendition-attributes-not-
  3.                     AU  3                                              supported  36, 111
  4.                     DL  17                                             physical-rendition-not-performed  36, 
  5.                     EDI  3                                             110
  6.                     EDI-MS  22, 47, 49                                 proof-of-failure  35, 109
  7.                     EDI-UA  22, 47, 48                                 protocol-violation  34, 108
  8.                     EDIFACT  14                                        recipient-name-changed  38, 112
  9.                     EDIM  12, 13                                       recipient-name-deleted  38, 112
  10.                     EDIME  39                                          recipient-unknown  37, 112
  11.                     EDIMG  3                                           repudiation-failure  35, 109
  12.                     EDIMG user  12, 40                                 security-context-failure  35, 109
  13.                     EDIMS  3, 41                                       security-error  34, 108
  14.                     EDIN  12, 29                                       subscription-changed  38, 112
  15.                     EIT  23, 92                                        subscription-terminated  34, 35, 108, 
  16.                     FN  29, 37                                         110
  17.                     MHS  3                                             syntax-error  35, 110
  18.                     MOTIS  10                                          syntax-identifier-not-supported  38, 
  19.                     MS  3, 22, 49                                      112
  20.                     MTA  3                                             token-error  35, 109
  21.                     MTS  3, 50                                         unable-to-accept-responsibility  34, 
  22.                     NN  29, 33                                         109
  23.                     PDAU  32, 47, 49                                   unable-to-sign-message-receipt  35, 
  24.                     PDS  49                                            109
  25.                     PN  29, 32                                         unable-to-sign-notification  35, 109
  26.                     TLMA  47, 49                                       undeliverable-mail  36, 110
  27.                     UA  3, 22, 49                                      undeliverable-mail-new-address-
  28.                     UNTDI  14                                          unknown  36, 111
  29.                Notification Reason Codes                undeliverable-mail-organization-
  30.                     action-request-not-supported  34, 109              expired  36, 111
  31.                     authentication-failure  35, 109                    undeliverable-mail-originator-
  32.                     bodypart-type-not-supported  38, 112               prohibited-forwarding  36, 111
  33.                     cannot-deliver-to-user  34, 108                    undeliverable-mail-physical-delivery-
  34.                     decryption-failed  35, 109                         address-incomplete  36, 111
  35.                     delivery-timeout  34, 108                          undeliverable-mail-physical-delivery-
  36.                     duplicate-edim  34, 109                            address-incorrect  36, 111
  37.                     edim-expired  34, 109                              undeliverable-mail-physical-delivery-
  38.                     edim-obsoleted  34, 109                            office-incorrect-or-invalid  36, 111
  39.                     edim-originator-unknown  34, 109                   undeliverable-mail-recipient-changed-
  40.                     edim-recipient-ambiguous  34, 109                  address-permanently  36, 111
  41.                     edim-recipient-unknown  34, 109                    undeliverable-mail-recipient-changed-
  42.                     edim-too-large-for-application  34,                address-temporarily  36, 111
  43.                     109                                                undeliverable-mail-recipient-changed-
  44.                     forwarded-by-edi-ms  37, 112                       temporary-address  36, 111
  45.                     forwarded-edim-delivery-time-out  34,              undeliverable-mail-recipient-deceased  
  46.                     109                                                36, 111
  47.                     forwarded-edim-not-delivered  34, 109              undeliverable-mail-recipient-did-not-
  48.                     forwarded-for-additional-action  38,               claim  36, 111
  49.                     112                                                undeliverable-mail-recipient-did-not-
  50.                     forwarded-for-archiving  38, 112                   want forwarding  36, 111
  51.                     forwarded-for-information  38, 112                 undeliverable-mail-recipient-refused-
  52.                     forwarded-for-physical-rendition-and-              to-accept  36, 111
  53.                     delivery  38, 113                                  undeliverable-mail-recipient-unknown  
  54.                     forwarded-message-integrity-failure                36, 111
  55.                     35, 109                                            unspecified  34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 108, 
  56.                     forwarding-error  34, 108                          110, 112, 113
  57.                     forwarding-loop-detected  34, 109                  unsupported-algorithm  35, 109
  58.                     functional-group-not-supported  35,                unsupported-extension  34, 109
  59.                     110                                                user-defined-reason  35, 38, 110, 112
  60.                     heading-field-not-supported  38, 112               Terms
  61.                     incomplete-copy-rejected  34, 109                  application  40
  62.                     interchange-recipient-unknown  35,                 ASN.1 definitions  10
  63.                     109, 110                                           EDI application  12
  64.                     interchange-sender-unknown  35, 38,                EDI applications  40
  65.                     109, 110, 112                                      EDI  message store  49
  66.                     invalid-bodypart-type  35, 109, 110                EDIM Responsibility  13
  67.                     invalid-heading-field  35, 109, 110                EDIMG user  40
  68.                     invalid-message-type  35, 109, 110                 EDIMS Abstract Service  42
  69.                     invalid-syntax-id  35, 109                         EDIM Identifier  12
  70.                     message-discarded  34, 108                         EDI Forwarding  59
  71.                     message-integrity-failure  35, 109                 EDI Interchanges  14
  72.                     message-security-labelling-failure                 EDI Message  13
  73.                     35, 109                                            EDI messaging  3, 91
  74.                     message-sequence-failure  35, 109                  EDI Messaging Environment  39
  75.                     message-type-not-supported  38, 112                EDI Messaging System  41
  76.                     no-bilateral-agreement  35, 110                    EDI messaging system user  12
  77.                     onward-routing  37, 112                            EDI Messaging user  40
  78.                                                                        EDI Notification  29
  79.                                                                        EDI user agent  48
  80.                                                                        Encoded Information Type  23
  81.                     Encoded Information Types  92                      
  82.                     First Recipient  31                                
  83.                     forwarded notification  29, 37                     
  84.                     forwarding  59                                     
  85.                     forwarding EDIM  59                                
  86.                     interchange  14                                    
  87.                     message  13                                        
  88.                     Message Transfer System  50                        
  89.                     message store  49                                  
  90.                     negative notification  29, 33                      
  91.                     notification  29                                   
  92.                     Origination Port  41                               
  93.                     positive notification  29, 32                      
  94.                     primary object  39                                 
  95.                     primary port  41                                   
  96.                     Reception Port  41                                 
  97.                     Responsibility  13                                 
  98.                     secondary object  47                               
  99.                     secondary port  50                                 
  100.                     subject EDIM  59                                   
  101.                     subject EDIM  29                                   
  102.                     support upon origination  93                       
  103.                     support upon reception  93                         
  104.                     telematic agent  49                                
  105.                     user  12, 40                                       
  106.                     user agent  49                                     
  107.                Object Identifiers                       
  108.                     id-act  95                                         
  109.                     id-act-edi-auto-forward  96                        
  110.                     id-ansiX12-ebcdic  96                              
  111.                     id-ansiX12-ISO646  96                              
  112.                     id-ansiX12-octet  96                               
  113.                     id-ansiX12-T61  96                                 
  114.                     id-bat  95                                         
  115.                     id-bat-body  97                                    
  116.                     id-bat-edi-body-part  97                           
  117.                id-bat-edim-body-part  97                          id-hat-obsoleted-edims  97
  118.                id-bat-externally-defined-body-part-               id-hat-originator  97
  119.                types  97                                          id-hat-recipients  97
  120.                id-bat-interchange-length  97                      id-hat-related-messages  97
  121.                id-bat-message-data  97                            id-hat-responsibility-forwarded  97
  122.                id-bat-message-parameters  97                      id-hat-service-string-advice  97
  123.                id-bp  95                                          id-hat-syntax-identifier  97
  124.                id-das  133                                        id-hat-this-edim  97
  125.                id-das-edi-capabilities  133                       id-mct  95
  126.                id-dat  133                                        id-mct-pedi  96
  127.                id-dat-edi-capabilities  133                       id-mod  95
  128.                id-dat-edi-name  133                               id-mod-abstract-service  95
  129.                id-dat-edi-routing-address  133                    id-mod-edi-directory-cl-att  95
  130.                id-dir  95                                         id-mod-functional-objects  95
  131.                id-doc  133                                        id-mod-information-objects  95
  132.                id-doc-edi-message-store  133                      id-mod-message-store-attributes  95
  133.                id-doc-edi-user  133                               id-mod-message-store-auto-actions  95
  134.                id-doc-edi-user-agent  133                         id-mod-object-identifiers  95
  135.                id-edi  95                                         id-mod-upper-bounds  95
  136.                id-edifact-ISO646  96                              id-nat  95
  137.                id-edifact-octet  96                               id-nat-edin-initiator  98
  138.                id-edifact-T61  96                                 id-nat-edin-originator  98
  139.                id-edims  95                                       id-nat-first-recipient  98
  140.                id-for  95                                         id-nat-fn-extensions  98
  141.                id-for-action  96                                  id-nat-fn-reason-code  98
  142.                id-for-copy  96                                    id-nat-fn-supplementary-info  98
  143.                id-hat  95                                         id-nat-forwarded-to  98
  144.                id-hat-application-reference  97                   id-nat-nn-extensions  98
  145.                id-hat-cross-referencing-information               id-nat-nn-reason-code  98
  146.                97                                                 id-nat-nn-supplementary-info  98
  147.                id-hat-date-and-time-of-preparation                id-nat-notification-extensions  98
  148.                97                                                 id-nat-notification-security-elements  
  149.                id-hat-edi-application-security-                   98
  150.                element  97                                        id-nat-notification-time  98
  151.                id-hat-edi-application-security-                   id-nat-pn-extensions  98
  152.                extensions  97                                     id-nat-pn-supplementary-info  98
  153.                id-hat-edi-bodypart-type  97                       id-nat-subject-edim  98
  154.                id-hat-edi-message-type  97                        id-nt  95
  155.                id-hat-edin-receiver  97                           id-nt-edi-fn  96
  156.                id-hat-expiry-time  97                             id-nt-edi-nn  96
  157.                id-hat-heading  97                                 id-nt-edi-pn  96
  158.                id-hat-heading-extensions  97                      id-ot  95
  159.                id-hat-incomplete-copy  97                         id-ot-edi-ms  95
  160.                id-hat-interchange-sender  97                      id-ot-edi-ua  95
  161.                                                                   id-ot-edime  95
  162.                                                                   id-ot-edimg-user  95
  163.                                                                   id-ot-edims  95
  164.                                                                   id-ot-pdau  95
  165.                                                                   id-private-octet  96
  166.                                                                   id-pt  95
  167.                                                                   id-pt-origination  95
  168.                                                                   id-pt-reception  95
  169.                                                                   id-rat  95
  170.                                                                   id-rat-acknowledgement-request-for-
  171.                                                                   this-recipient  97
  172.                                                                   id-rat-action-request-for-this-
  173.                                                                   recipient  97
  174.                                                                   id-rat-authorization-information-for-
  175.                                                                   this-recipient  97
  176.                                                                   id-rat-communications-agreement-id-
  177.                                                                   for-this-recipient  97
  178.                                                                   id-rat-edi-notification-requests-for-
  179.                                                                   this-recipient  97
  180.                                                                   id-rat-edi-reception-security-for-
  181.                                                                   this-recipient  97
  182.                                                                   id-rat-interchange-control-reference-
  183.                                                                   for-this-recipient  97
  184.                                                                   id-rat-interchange-recipient-for-this-
  185.                                                                   recipient  97
  186.                                                                   id-rat-notification-security-for-this-
  187.                                                                   recipient  97
  188.                                                                   id-rat-processing-priority-code-for-
  189.                                                                   this-recipient  97
  190.                                                                   id-rat-recipient-extensions-for-this-
  191.                                                                   recipient  97
  192.                                                                   id-rat-recipient-reference-for-this-
  193.                                                                   recipient  97
  194.                                                                   id-rat-responsibility-passing-allowed-
  195.                                                                   for-this-recipient  97
  196.                                                                   id-rat-test-indicator-for-this-
  197.                                                                   recipient  97
  198.                                                                   id-rat-this-recipient  97
  199.                     id-ref  95                                         
  200.                     id-ref-primary  95                                 
  201.                     id-ref-secondary  95                               
  202.                     id-sat  95                                         
  203.                     id-sat-edi-notification-indicator  96              
  204.                     id-sat-edim-synopsis  96                           
  205.                     id-sat-edims-entry-type  96                        
  206.                     id-syn  95                                         
  207.                     id-syn-place-holder  96                            
  208.                     id-syn-removed  96                                 
  209.                     id-undefined-octet  96                             
  210.                     id-untid-ISO646  96                                
  211.                     id-untid-octet  96                                 
  212.                     id-untid-T61  96                                   
  213.                ASN.1 Macros                             
  214.                     EDIM-EXTENSION  13, 100                            
  215.                ASN.1 Modules                            
  216.                     edi-auto-forward  69, 124                          
  217.                     EDIForwardRegistrationParameter  69,               
  218.                     124                                                
  219.                     EDIMSAbstractService  128                          
  220.                     EDIMSAutoActionTypes  123                          
  221.                     EDIMSFunctionalObjects  125                        
  222.                     EDIMSInformationObjects  98                        
  223.                     EDIMSMessageStoreAttributes  113                   
  224.                     EDIMSObjectIdentifiers  94                         
  225.                     EDIMSUpperBounds  130                              
  226.                     EDIUseOfDirectory  132                             
  227.                     ForwardWithRespAccepted  71, 124                   
  228.                     ForwardWithRespNotAccepted  70, 124                
  229.                     HeadingFields  71, 125                             
  230.                     NotificationArguments  70, 124                     
  231.                Information Items                        
  232.                     Action Request  18                                 
  233.                     Body  85                                           
  234.                     Content  43, 44, 45, 46                            
  235.                EDI Notification Requests  18                      AuthorizationInformationQualifier  
  236.                EDIMS Entry Type  78                               21, 105
  237.                EDIM Synopsis  79                                  Body  14, 105
  238.                Envelope  42, 43, 44, 45, 46                       BodyOrRemoved  27, 106
  239.                Extensions  21                                     BodyPartPlaceHolder  27, 106
  240.                Externally Defined  28                             BodyPartReference  28, 106
  241.                Externally Defined Body Part Types                 BodyPartSynopsis  79, 115
  242.                86                                                 CommonFields  30, 107
  243.                Heading  81                                        CommunicationsAgreementIdField  21, 
  244.                Interchange Recipient  20                          105
  245.                Number  79                                         ComponentDataElementSeparator  25, 
  246.                Originate EDIM  43                                 104
  247.                Originate EDIN  43                                 Criticality  13, 100
  248.                Originate Probe  42                                CrossReferencingInformationField  24, 
  249.                Parameters  80                                     104
  250.                Processed  80                                      CrossReferencingInformationSubField  
  251.                Receive EDIM  45                                   24, 104
  252.                Receive EDIN  46                                   DataElementSeparator  25, 104
  253.                Receive Report  45                                 DateAndTimeOfPreparationField  26, 
  254.                Recipient  18                                      104
  255.                Recipient Reference  20                            DecimalNotation  25, 104
  256.                Recipient Improperly Specified  46                 EDIApplicationSecurityElement  24, 
  257.                Size  80                                           103
  258.                Submission-identifier  43, 44                      EDIApplicationSecurityElementsField  
  259.                Submission-time  43, 44                            24, 103
  260.                Synopsis  79                                       EDIApplicationSecurityExtension  24, 
  261.                Type  80                                           104
  262.                Undelivered-object  45                             EDIApplicationSecurityExtensions  24, 
  263.                User  12                                           103
  264.                User-relative-identifier  12                       EDIBodyPart  27, 105
  265.                ASN.1 Types                              EDIBodyPartType  23, 103
  266.                AcknowledgementRequestField  21, 105               EDIExternallyDefinedBodyPartParameter
  267.                ActionRequestField  18, 102                        Attribute  87, 121
  268.                AdditionalBodyParts  27, 106                       EDIM  13, 100
  269.                ApplicationCrossReference  24, 104                 EDIM-ExternallyDefinedBodyPart  28, 
  270.                ApplicationReferenceField  26, 105                 106
  271.                AuthorizationInformation  21, 105                  EDIMBodyPart  27, 106
  272.                AuthorizationInformationField  21,                 EDIMessageTypeField  25, 103
  273.                105                                                EDIMessageTypeFieldSubField  25, 103
  274.                                                                   EDIMIdentifier  12, 99
  275.                                                                   EDIMSEntryType  78, 115
  276.                                                                   EDIMSynopsis  79, 115
  277.                                                                   EDIN  29, 106
  278.                                                                   EDINInitiatorField  32, 107
  279.                                                                   EDINOriginatorField  31, 107
  280.                                                                   EDINotificationRequests  18, 102
  281.                                                                   EDINotificationRequestsField  18, 102
  282.                                                                   EDINotificationSecurity  18, 102
  283.                                                                   EDINReceiverField  22, 102
  284.                                                                   EDIProcessableDocument  135
  285.                                                                   EDIReceptionSecurity  18, 102
  286.                                                                   EDISupplementaryInformation  27, 106
  287.                                                                   EDIUserCapability  135
  288.                                                                   ExpiryTimeField  23, 103
  289.                                                                   ExtensionField  13, 100
  290.                                                                   ExternalMessageReference  24, 103
  291.                                                                   FirstRecipientField  31, 107
  292.                                                                   FN  29, 106
  293.                                                                   FNExtensionsField  39, 113
  294.                                                                   FNExtensionsSubField  39, 113
  295.                                                                   FNPDAUBasicCodeField  38, 113
  296.                                                                   FNPDAUDiagnosticField  39, 113
  297.                                                                   FNPDAUReasonCodeField  38, 112
  298.                                                                   FNReasonCodeField  37, 111
  299.                                                                   FNUAMSBasicCodeField  37, 112
  300.                                                                   FNUAMSDiagnosticField  38, 112
  301.                                                                   FNUAMSReasonCodeField  37, 111
  302.                                                                   FNUAMSSecurityCheckField  38, 112
  303.                                                                   FNUserBasicCodeField  38, 112
  304.                                                                   FNUserDiagnosticField  38, 112
  305.                                                                   FNUserReasonCodeField  38, 112
  306.                                                                   ForwardedNotificationFields  37, 111
  307.                                                                   ForwardedTo  37, 111
  308.                                                                   Heading  16, 101
  309.                                                                   HeadingExtensionsField  26, 105
  310.                                                                   HeadingExtensionsSubField  26, 105
  311.                                                                   ID  95
  312.                                                                   IdentificationCode  16, 100
  313.                                                                   IdentificationCodeQualifier  16, 100
  314.                                                                   IncompleteCopyField  23, 103
  315.                                                                   InformationObject  12, 99
  316.                                                                   InterchangeControlReferenceField  20, 
  317.                     1                                                  
  318.                     InterchangeLength  86, 120                         
  319.                     InterchangeRecipientField  20, 102                 
  320.                     InterchangeSenderField  26, 104                    
  321.                     LocalReference  13, 99                             
  322.                     MessageBodyPartSynopsis  79, 115                   
  323.                     MessageData  27, 106                               
  324.                     MessageParameters  27, 106                         
  325.                     MessageReference  24, 104                          
  326.                     NegativeNotificationFields  33, 108                
  327.                     NN  29, 106                                        
  328.                     NNExtensionsField  36, 111                         
  329.                     NNExtensionsSubField  36, 111                      
  330.                     NNPDAUBasicCodeField  36, 110                      
  331.                     NNPDAUDiagnosticField  36, 111                     
  332.                     NNPDAUReasonCodeField  36, 110                     
  333.                     NNReasonCodeField  33, 108                         
  334.                     NNUAMSBasicCodeField  34, 108                      
  335.                     NNUAMSDiagnosticField  34, 108                     
  336.                     NNUAMSReasonCodeField  33, 108                     
  337.                     NNUserBasicCodeField  35, 110                      
  338.                     NNUserDiagnosticCodeField  35, 110                 
  339.                     NNUserReasonCodeField  35, 109                     
  340.                     NonMessageBodyPartSynopsis  79, 115                
  341.                     NotificationExtensionsField  32, 107               
  342.                     NotificationExtensionsSubField  32,                
  343.                     107                                                
  344.                     NotificationTimeField  31, 107                     
  345.                     ObsoletedEDIMsField  24, 103                       
  346.                     ObsoletedEDIMsSubfield  24, 103                    
  347.                     OriginateEDIM  43, 129                             
  348.                     OriginateEDIN  44, 129                             
  349.                     OriginateProbe  42, 129                            
  350.                     OriginatorField  17, 101                           
  351.             OtherBodyParts  14, 105                            ub-edi-association-assigned-code  131
  352.             PN  29, 106                                        ub-edi-controlling-agency  131
  353.             PNExtensionsField  33, 108                         ub-edi-document-release  131
  354.             PNExtensionsSubField  33, 108                      ub-edi-document-version  131
  355.             PositiveNotificationFields  32, 107                u8b-edi-message-type  131
  356.             PrimaryBodyPart  14, 105                           8ub-identification-code  131
  357.             PrimaryOrRemoved  27, 106                          ub-identification-code-qualifier  131
  358.             ProcessingPriorityCodeField  20, 105               ub-interchange-control-reference  131
  359.             ReceiveEDIM  45, 130                               ub-local-reference  131
  360.             ReceiveEDIN  46, 130                               ub-processing-priority-code  131
  361.             ReceiveReport  45, 130                             ub-reason-code  131
  362.             RecipientExtensionsField  21, 102                  ub-recipient-reference  131
  363.             RecipientExtensionsSubField  21, 102               ub-recipient-reference-qualifier  131
  364.             RecipientField  18, 102                            ub-routing-address  131
  365.             RecipientReference  20, 102                        ub-syntax-identifier  131
  366.             RecipientReferenceField  20, 102                   ub-syntax-version  131
  367.             RecipientReferenceQualifier  20, 102               ASN.1 Values
  368.             RecipientsField  17, 101                           acknowledgement-request-for-this-
  369.             RecipientsSubField  17, 101                        recipient  84, 119
  370.             RelatedMessageReference  24, 103                   action-request-for-this-recipient  
  371.             RelatedMessagesField  24, 103                      83, 118
  372.             ReleaseIndicator  25, 104                          application-reference  83, 118
  373.             Reserved  25, 104                                  AssociationAssignedCode  135
  374.             ResponsibilityForwarded  22, 103                   authorization-information-for-this-
  375.             ResponsibilityPassingAllowedField                  recipient  85, 119
  376.             20, 103                                            body  85, 120
  377.             RoutingAddress  16, 100                            communications-agreement-id-for-this-
  378.             SecurityElementsField  31, 107                     recipient  84, 119
  379.             SecurityExtensionsField  31, 107                   ControllingAgency  135
  380.             SecurityExtensionsSubField  31, 107                cross-referencing-information  82, 
  381.             SegmentTerminator  25, 104                         117
  382.             ServiceStringAdviceField  25, 104                  date-and-time-of-preparation  83, 118
  383.             SubjectEDIMField  30, 107                          DocumentRelease  135
  384.             SyntaxIdentifier  26, 104                          DocumentVersion  135
  385.             SyntaxIdentifierField  26, 104                     edi-application-security-element  82, 
  386.             SyntaxVersion  26, 104                             117
  387.             TestIndicatorField  21, 105                        edi-application-security-extensions  
  388.             ThisEDIMField  17, 101                             82, 117
  389.             Upper Bounds                             edi-body-part  86, 120
  390.             ub-application-reference  131                      edi-bodypart-type  82, 116
  391.             ub-authorization-information  131                  edi-capabilities  134
  392.             ub-authorization-information-                      edi-capabilities-syntax  135
  393.             qualifier  131                                     edi-message-store  134
  394.             ub-communications-agreement-id  131                edi-message-type  82, 117
  395.             ub-edi-application-security-elements               edi-ms  49, 127
  396.             131                                                edi-name  134
  397.                                                                edi-notification-indicator  80, 116
  398.                                                                edi-notification-requests-for-this-
  399.                                                                recipient  83, 118
  400.                                                                edi-notification-security-for-this-
  401.                                                                recipient  84, 118
  402.                                                                edi-reception-security-for-this-
  403.                                                                recipient  84, 118
  404.                                                                edi-routing-address  134
  405.                                                                edi-ua  49, 127
  406.                                                                edi-user  134
  407.                                                                edi-user-agent  134
  408.                                                                edim-body-part  86, 120
  409.                                                                edim-synopsis  79, 115
  410.                                                                edime  39, 126
  411.                                                                edime-refinement  39, 126
  412.                                                                edimg-user  40, 126
  413.                                                                edims  41, 126
  414.                                                                edims-entry-type  78, 115
  415.                                                                edims-refinement  47, 127
  416.                                                                edin-initiator  88, 121
  417.                                                                edin-originator  88, 121
  418.                                                                edin-receiver  81, 116
  419.                                                                externally-defined-body-part-types  
  420.                                                                87, 120
  421.                                                                first-recipient  88, 121
  422.                                                                fn-extensions  90, 122
  423.                                                                fn-reason-code  90, 122
  424.                                                                fn-supplementary-information  90, 122
  425.                                                                forwarded-to  89, 122
  426.                                                                heading  81, 116
  427.                                                                heading-extensions  83, 118
  428.                                                                incomplete-copy  82, 116
  429.                                                                interchange-control-reference-for-
  430.                                                                this-recipient  84, 119
  431.                 interchange-length  86, 120                        
  432.                 interchange-recipient-for-this-                    
  433.                 recipient  84, 119                                 
  434.                 interchange-sender  83, 117                        
  435.                 message-data  86, 120                              
  436.                 message-parameters  86, 120                        
  437.                 nn-extensions  89, 122                             
  438.                 nn-reason  89, 122                                 
  439.                 nn-supplementary-information  89, 122              
  440.                 notification-extensions  88, 121                   
  441.                 notification-security-elements  88,                
  442.                 121                                                
  443.                 notification-time  88, 121                         
  444.                 obsoleted-edims  82, 117                           
  445.                 origination  41, 129                               
  446.                 originator  81, 116                                
  447.                 pdau  50, 127                                      
  448.                 pn-extensions  89, 122                             
  449.                 pn-supplementary-information  89, 121              
  450.                 processing-priority-code-for-this-                 
  451.                 recipient  84, 119                                 
  452.                 reception  41, 129                                 
  453.                 recipient-extensions-for-this-                     
  454.                 recipient  85, 120                                 
  455.                 recipient-reference-for-this-                      
  456.                 recipient  84, 119                                 
  457.                 related-messages  82, 117                          
  458.                 responsibility-forwarded  81, 116                  
  459.                 responsibility-passing-allowed-for-                
  460.                 this-recipient  84, 118                            
  461.                 service-string-advice  82, 117                     
  462.                 subject-edim  88, 121                              
  463.                 syntax-identifier  83, 117                         
  464.                 test-indicator-for-this-recipient                  
  465.                 85, 119                                            
  466.                 this-edim  81, 116                                 
  467.                 this-recipient  83, 118                            